Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Watch out World

The storm has passed, the winds have blown over, and the cleanup is complete. It would seem as if life has returned to normal.

But honestly, we're not normal, nor are our lives. For most situations, I equate normal with boring, and life's too short to be boring. Sometimes you have to walk sideways when everyone else walks forward. Chances are, you'll see things they won't see, do things they won't do, and have experiences that they can only dream of.

Most people I know wouldn't fight to save a parking lot garden- but we did. We held our position and refused to back down.

Some say it was pride, others claim sheer madness. I say a little of both. Whether we are truly crazy or not, one thing is for sure: that fire that began to burn will not go out. We'll stand for the principles for which we believe, no matter the situation or application.

Watch out world, Don't Tread on Me!

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