As for the winners... well, let us take a moment to highlight these success stories.
Spinach: Jess. Of all the winners, she was likely the most excited. It was expected, though, seeing that one serving of spinach contains 145 mcg of Vitamin K. At the time, we suspected there was some type of relationship developing between Jess and our beloved Jordan. It was never disclosed, but we recently stumbled upon this picture, taken from the neighborhood neighbor watcher watch system.
Carrots & Tomato: Ryan. About a week before the demise of the garden, I sent a text message to this lucky man, whose fortune had brought him a double dose of winnings. The text message went as follows: "Dearest Lucky Winner, your tomatoes are ripe and the carrots are ready for the digging."
The immediate response back was "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot! That makes my [year]". The time period may or may not have been changed. Moving on...
JNCO Jean Shorts: For the sake of all those who may be watching, I will not post any pictures of the lucky winner, Mr. D. West, in his new JNCOs. That being said, I have had a small desk come up missing from my house lately, and I have a hunch that it could be hidden somewhere in those deep pockets. As fate has it, we will likely never know.
Lettuce: Now the winner of our lettuce was Ms. Brown in Oregon. Yes, we did have some donations from afar, and by no means were they disqualified from the winnings. Here is a short video of the prize delivery.
And accompanying picture of its receipt
Sprinkler World Paraphernalia: I had long since forgotten who won these prized possessions, until today, when my boss walked in in full Sprinkler World garb. Bless his heart.
A Date with Kory: This may have been the only time Kory, our "other" roommate actually participated in the garden. As for the date, I never knew if anything came of it. Wait, what's that sound? Sounds like bells, lots and lots of bells.
And what about the after-paint funds? As I recall, we were supposed to deliver them to the local food bank. And as I recall, we did.
Loved the dehydrated lettuce leaf. That really made my day! Great job on the "fruits of your labors". ~Ms. Brown = from Aloha, OR