Saturday, June 5, 2010

One for Us, One for Them

For many, the dreams of harvesting from their own garden are just that... a dream. For us, that dream came true this week (I'm still waiting to see if the one about the talking corn ears comes true. We'll keep you posted).

As it turns out, the old saying is correct: you reap what you sow (well, with the exception of the asparagus, which just popped up overnight, but we all know how that turned out).

This week we reaped our first batch of salad.

This is Tyler, harvesting the lettuce. He looks pretty darn excited.

This instructional video is included to showcase exactly how to harvest spinach, in case you were wondering.

This was the first of about 10 salads that we had this week. Others were decorated with non-parking-lot-garden vegetables, but we can't show you those due to copyright infringement laws.

Now if you're wondering about the title, let me explain.

Like every citizen of this great nation, we like to give back. However, we don't appreciate it when the giving back is done under duress or without permission.

This week we discovered that something is eating our plants (please participate in the poll on the top right of the blog to help us figure out what it is). In one night, we lost a tomato and the zucchini to something. We went out for the daily check-up and all the leaves were gone. The zucchini is coming back, but the tomato may be gone for good.

While we don't mind sharing, we believe that those who partake should also offer to work in the garden, which is why we are conscripting every rabbit, deer, mouse, cat and critter we find until we know who the culprit is.

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