Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gardens Well

Let me give you a brief physics lesson. F=d/dt*(mv).

No one really knows what that means, and certainly no one cares, except maybe Sir Newton.

Now, back to the garden.

For some time, we have been following the watering schedule of famed gardener E. Gordon Wells Jr. Last night, Dave pointed out that the name "Gordon Wells" sounds a lot like "gardens well". We're just saying... you can deduce the rest.

To be honest, Gordon has influenced much about our parking lot garden. After discovering his book, we have learned a number of things about roots, pollination, and irrigation, among other topics.

This past week, we decided to give Mr. Wells a call. Our goal was to have him grace our presence at a garden-side discussion.

After drawing pea pods, Tyler's had the fewest peas, and he was relegated to make the call. It's not very often he gets to talk to a superstar like that. Let me just say that it was a daunting task for him. For half an hour, he listened to "The Eye of the Tiger", "You Raise Me Up", and "The Safety Dance" (beats me) until he was sufficiently confident to make the call. I hadn't seen him this nervous since the last time he talked to a girl (fortunately, she was deaf, and couldn't hear him anyways).

The conversation started out well:

"Hello, Mr. Wells?" (voice cracks)

"Yes... can you hold on a second, my wife is killing my plants"

The rest is history. Over the next half hour, Tyler learned three important things from Gordon:

1. They are related.
2. Mr. Wells is very busy.
3. There are at least 27 varieties of tomatoes, because that is how many Gordon is currently growing.

Rather than forcing Gordy to speak at our garden, we decided to let him do what he does best: garden. Any further attempt at acquiring some of his scarce time will have to be through some type of barter.

As it turns out, Tyler and Gordon are related through the niece of Sir Isaac. Gordon's history stops there. Tyler's continues. We're hoping that this research can be used as leverage with Mr. Wells. Now who will be dangling a carrot over who? (yet to be determined, because I think Gordon uses Miracle Gro on his carrots).

To be continued...

P.S. we forgot to water our garden, and it died.

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