This is a quick post of chronological events in our parking lot garden. Stay tuned in the near future for more videos, interactive posts, and other treats.
Here's the low down of what occurred:
1. Tyler was given a zucchini from Cam at work.
2. We transplanted the zuke and two cukes outside into pots.
3. Our daffodil gave up the ghost, and we gave it the axe.
4. Jordan's brother donated 4 peppers, and laid them to rest in their new stomping grounds.
5. Our broccoli is not broccoli, it is spinach, and it is also thriving.
6. We learned that daffodils are perennials, whatever that means.
8.We've put out a search warrant for the suspect of this video, who was caught on camera running his hand through our lettuce and peas.
9. No one has yet been apprehended, but Dave is a prime suspect.
They paved the parking lot and put up paradise.